Use of Force


During your time within the Metropolitan Police you will come into a lot of encounters that will vary, a lot of these encounters will require certain levels of force. Within the document you will be informed on what types of weapons should be used for certain encounters.



Only to be used against unarmed suspects, who are possibly trying to escape you - the tackle is a move where you sprint into someone - dragging them to the floor. After they have been tackled you can either detain or arrest - this is only to be used if the suspect is attempting to flee. Do not tackle someone standing still and complying with instructions.


The police issued taser is the first level of force that should be used within confrontations with the public, the police issued taser is a close quarters weapon that fires taser rounds that will result in the suspect being electrocuted and immobilised. We use this technique on members of the public that are causing a scene along with suspects that may not be compliant and have some sort of weapon on them. You must at all times use your taser first, unless the suspect has a firearm that can shoot at further ranges. If you are in situations that are in tight areas such as shops, you should always look to use your taser before using lethal force.


The police issued baton is a compliance tool used within the Metropolitan Police, this is primarily a defensive weapon against suspects that are causing a scene. This is another non lethal option within the police force that can be used to take down suspects in a less violent way. The baton is designed to outmatch opponents without any weapons. This can be used most of the time during close quarters engagements with members of the public. If you are unable to get close to the suspect for any reason, it is advised that you switch to your taser.


The flashlight is not to be used as a melee weapon unless it is already equipped in hand and there is no other option. The reason for this is that the flashlight does a significant amount less damage than the baton. The flashlight is a great tool for searching for suspects in the dark, and may help you out in lots of situations. Do not hit someone with a flashlight unless absolutely necessary.



The Glock is a 9mm pistol that is used mainly within close quarter engagements. The Glock must only be used when you cannot taze the suspect as either too far or has heavier weaponry that you. If the suspect can be taken down via a taser then you must use that method of force. If this rule is broken, punishment will be handed out accordingly.

Remington 870

The Remington is a pump action shotgun to be used by shotgun trained. This is the final weapon you may be trained for without moving into a specialised division. The Remington shotgun is to be used in close quarters combat. It also has an extremely high recoil. Please be careful when using this weapon. If you do not have the appropriate training and are found to be using this weapon you will be punished. Do not use this in any situations that do not have a significant threat to life. To be trained to use a shotgun you need to be SGT+ and either a SRO or Senior interceptor.

Sting 9mm

The Sting 9mm is a automatic sub machine gun that uses 9x21mm ammunition with a extremely fast fire rate that is used for close quarters combat such as the Remington Shotgun. Despite having low damage, the fire rate compensates for it. This weapon is to only be used by SCO-19 pAFO's (Probationary Authorised Firearms Officer).


The MP5 is an automatic sub machine gun that uses 9x21mm ammunition, the MP5 is a lot like the Sting 9mm in many ways however has a slower fire rate with more range. This weapon is used in close-mid range combat and must only be used by Deputies of Divisions or pAFO's


The SIG MCX uses 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition. With an extremely fast fire rate this is to only be used by SCO19 members with the appropriate skill. This weapon is similar to the M4A1, however it is significantly more powerful. This weapon is only to be used by trained officers in large scale incidents relating to civilians with firearms or armed and dangerous criminals. Anyone caught using this firearm for any other reason or any other purpose will be punished by your unit command.


The M4A1 5.56mm rifle is used widely within SCO-19 and Heads of Divisions, the rifle is very similar to the G36 in many ways. This weapon is only deployed as a very last resort within the Metropolitan Police. The use of the weapon is for large scale firearms incidents along with suspects with heavy weaponry. It is of the utmost importance that every officer who has this firearm uses the correct uses of force for the situation at hand. If you are caught using this firearm outside of its intended purpose you will be punished.


The G36 is 5.56mm rifle designed for medium to long range encounters. This weapon will only ever be used in large scale firearms incidents as it has a relatively fast fire rate along with a higher damage output than the rest of the police armoury. This weapon must only be used when all other uses of force are not deemed fit for the situation. Anyone caught using this firearm outside of it use of purpose will be given a punishment.


The SPAR-17 is a long ranged automatic rifle that used 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition. The rifle is very similar to the SIG MCX in some ways, however it has a lot more range and a lot more damage, It is used for long distance gun fights. This weapon can only be used by Specialist Firearms Command. 

Remington R700

The Remington R700 uses .308 Winchester ammunition. As a semi-automatic Sniper Rifle it must be used with great cause and care. This is the most powerful weapon in the police armoury. This weapon must only be used with permission from either Gold Command or Specialist Firearms Command, It is used to take precise shots in hostage situations and from a-far in long range gun fights. It can also be used to gain information and give communication to the on scene commander about the scene surroundings.

Bullying – Zero-Tolerance Policy

This community takes bullying and the act of bullying very seriously. Remember, there is always a fine line between having ‘banter’ with someone and bullying. Always make sure you know where the line is. The community, members and management are expected to have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and therefore anyone who breaks this expectation will be removed dealt with accordingly. Further action may be taken by the CMG Community Managers at their discretion.